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Richard B. Hall [3]Richard Baxter Hall [2]
  1.  44
    Carlson on ethical egoism.Richard Baxter Hall - 1976 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 54 (1):72 – 74.
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  2.  30
    Does antinaturalism imply relativism?Richard B. Hall - 1980 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 41 (1/2):225-227.
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  3. Morality and Reasons for Action.Richard Baxter Hall - 1973 - Dissertation, University of California, Los Angeles
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  4.  19
    The Alterability of Natural Law.Richard B. Hall - 1981 - New Scholasticism 55 (4):474-483.
  5.  17
    The Paradox of Majoritarianism.Richard B. Hall - 1979 - Philosophy Research Archives 5:25-34.
    A democrat who finds himself in the minority on some political issue is compelled to judge that the policy favored by the majority ought to be implemented even though he believes that same policy ought not to be implemented because it does not represent the best social policy. I argue that this paradox does not reduce to a mere conflict of prima facie judgments (Rawls); that to view the paradox as a conflict of desires rather than of principles (Barry) makes (...)
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